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Annual Rentals
How to Apply
Background checksWe conduct credit, criminal, and eviction background checks through our software vendor, which is currently connected with Experian. However, this is subject to change. We do not accept credit reports submitted by applicants. Other credit reporting agencies may show different scores, but we only consider those from our vendor. This is a hard inquiry on your credit. If that is not acceptable, do not submit a rental application.
BankruptciesClosed bankruptcies are acceptable. Open bankruptcies result in automatic denial.
Charge-offA charge-off is a debt written off by a creditor due to non-payment. Charge-offs older than two years do not affect qualification or security deposit requirements. Charge-offs within the last two years require an additional half-month security deposit for approval.
Criminal historyWe conduct criminal background checks in compliance with federal, state, and local fair housing laws. A criminal record does not automatically disqualify an applicant. We conduct an individualized assessment considering the nature, severity, and recency of the offense, as well as its relevance to rental housing. We do not deny applicants solely for arrests without convictions. Offenses related to violent crimes, property damage, or offenses that pose a direct threat to the health and safety of other residents or property may result in denial. Applicants have the right to provide mitigating evidence or documentation of rehabilitation during the application process.
Eviction historyAny eviction activity found on the background check will result in automatic denial, regardless of date, judgment results, or judgment amount. If an eviction was filed against you, your application will be declined even if the case was dismissed. Exception: A current tenant in good standing who initially qualified and is requesting a transfer will not be denied if new eviction history is found.
Outstanding debit to previous landlordsAny outstanding debt to a landlord at the time of the background check results in automatic denial. Paying off the balance will not result in approval. A letter from the previous landlord confirming the debt was paid in full (not at a discounted rate) is required for documentation purposes.
Security Deposit is based on credit scoreThe security deposit is determined by the lowest credit score in the applicant group.
650+ Credit ScoreDeposit: Equal to one month’s rent.
600-649 Credit ScoreDeposit: Equal to 1.5 months' rent. Payment Structure: Initial Payment: One month’s rent due at lease signing. Remaining Balance: Paid in 5 equal installments over the next 5 months ($20 billing fee per installment).
550-599 Credit ScoreDeposit: Equal to three months' rent. Payment Structure: Initial Payment: One month’s rent due at lease signing. Remaining Balance: Paid in 5 equal installments over the next 5 months ($20 billing fee per installment).
500-549 Credit ScoreDeposit: Equal to three months' rent. Payment Structure: Initial Payment: 1.5 months' rent due at lease signing. Remaining Balance: Paid in 10 equal installments over the next 10 months ($20 billing fee per installment).
499 & underIf any applicant in the group has a credit score below 500, the entire group is denied.
Age RequirementThe minimum age to rent a single-family residence or duplex is 21. Applicants between 21 and 24 may be required to purchase a renters bond based on the property. The minimum age to rent a multi-family unit is 23.
Application FeeThe application fee is non-refundable. Applicants are responsible for reviewing qualification requirements, availability, and vacancy timing before submitting an application.
Applications are required for each adult in the homeEach adult who will reside in the home for more than 7 nights per calendar year must submit an application, pay the application fee, meet all qualifications, and pass the background check. Background checks are not processed until applications for all adults in the home have been submitted. A valid ID must be provided for all individuals aged 18 and over, including dependents. Each adult (18-69) must submit a separate rental application, as each must consent to and pay for their background check. When there are multiple applicants, the lowest credit score is used to calculate the security deposit. Co-signers We do not accept co-signers.
Co-applicantsEach adult 18-69 must submit a separate rental application. This is because each must consent to and pay for their background check. When there are multiple applicants, the lowest credit score is used to calculate the security deposit.
Co-signersWe do not accept co-signers.
Commercial vehicles & equipmentVehicles that are used, insured, or registered for commercial purposes, as well as those displaying commercial placards or wraps, are strictly prohibited from being operated, stored, or parked on any properties we manage.
DependentsIf you have an elderly parent, who lives with you as a dependent, they need not apply but we will need a copy of their ID. If you have children under age 18, they need not apply.
First come, first serveFirst Come, First Serve We approve the first qualified individual or family who: Requests a lease Pays the deposit immediately Pays rent immediately if vacant, or by the available date if occupied If multiple applicants are approved at the same time, the most financially qualified applicant (credit, income, and financial reserves) will be given priority, provided they take action.
Maximum OccupancyMaximum Occupancy Occupancy is limited to one more person than the number of bedrooms in the home/apartment. If two of the occupants are under age 10, two more individuals than the bedroom count are allowed.
Pre-approvalApplicants are welcome to get pre-approved. To do so, apply for any property and write in the comments what you are looking for. You will then be first in line when new vacancies post. Therefore, pre-approved applicants can reserve a home faster than those who have not yet applied.
Pre-paid rentTenants are welcome to pay rent in advance but that does not change any of the underwriting guidelines on this page or result in discounted rent.
Reserve a homeWe don't reserve homes. We do not reserve homes. The first approved applicant to request a lease, sign it, pay the deposit, and begin paying rent when the home becomes available will secure the property.
Retired / Financially FreeRetired / Financially Free Applicants Applicants with bank or investment account balances exceeding three years' rent do not need to submit proof of income. Instead, they must provide: A bank statement or financial document showing the account balance A signed authorization for verification If selling a home and waiting for proceeds, a closing statement from the attorney or title company can be provided, subject to verification.
Section 8We do not accept Section 8 or other government assistance programs.
Self-Guided Tours & ShowingsSelf-Guided Tours & Showings Applicants must view the inside of a property before renting. Vacant homes: Call to arrange a self-guided tour. A valid ID is required. Occupied homes: Pre-approval is required to schedule a showing.
SmokingSmoking Smoking is not permitted inside any home, apartment, or garage. Smoking is also not allowed near open doors or windows.
Unauthorized occupantsUnauthorized Occupants Anyone staying more than 7 consecutive nights, or 14 total nights per lease term, must apply, qualify, and be added to the lease. If an unauthorized occupant is discovered, they must vacate within 3 days. A $100 per-day unauthorized occupant fee will be charged immediately until they leave. If they fail to vacate within 3 days, all residents will be given 14 days to leave voluntarily before an eviction is filed. There are no exceptions for unauthorized residents. Our Maintenance Technicians know who is and who is not authorized to be in the home.
Working from homeWorking from Home Telecommuting, computer-based, or clerical work is allowed. Other types of business activity are not permitted.
Zero Tolerance - Criminal / Drug ActivityZero Tolerance - Criminal & Drug Activity We have a zero-tolerance policy for drug use, violence, and criminal activity at all properties. Any suspected illegal activity will be reported to law enforcement immediately.
* UPLOAD PROOF OF INCOMEClick here to upload your documents:
College Income ExemptionFull-time college students are exempt from proof of income if they: Upload college transcripts. Began working within 30 days of graduation. Provide an offer letter from their employer stating annual salary or hourly wage and guaranteed hours. Meet income requirements based on current and future earnings.
Documents acceptedCurrent Year Proof Most Recent Pay Stub must include: Applicant’s name. Pay period (must be within the last 30 days). Year-to-date (YTD) earnings. Employer information. If you have multiple jobs, upload the latest pay stub from each employer. Previous Year Proof Accepted documents: Tax Return W-2 Forms from each job. One December Pay Stub showing: Applicant’s name. Pay period. Year-to-date (YTD) earnings. Do not upload multiple pay stubs from different months. If you had multiple jobs, submit either a W-2 or the most recent pay stub from each employer. Document Guidelines Password-Protected PDFs: Cannot be processed. Take a screenshot of your annual adjusted gross income if necessary. Cash Income: Not counted unless reported on a tax return. Subsidized Income: Workers' compensation, unemployment, COVID-19 rent relief, Section 8, or other government aid (excluding disability) is not accepted as income. Workers’ Compensation: Only counted if a document from the insurance carrier confirms lifetime benefits.
Financial aidWe do not include income unemployment , COVID 19 Rent Relief, section 8, etc. when calculating total income. We do not include benefits from workers compensation unless you have a document from the insurance carrier that specifically states that the benefits will be paid for the rest of your life.
Financially FreeIf you have three years' worth of rent saved in a financial institution, you may attach the most recent statement to your application and bypass the income requirements outlined below.
Income (or cash reserves) requirementApplicants must show income or reserves equal to three times the annual rent. This can be from income alone, cash reserves alone, or a combination of both. Option 1: Qualify with Income Applicants must provide proof of gross income (net income if self-employed) that meets the required threshold. Example: Rent: $2,000/month Annual Rent: $24,000 ($2,000 × 12 months) Required Income: $72,000/year ($24,000 × 3) Upload a W-2 or tax return showing at least $72,000 in gross income (net if self-employed). Option 2: Qualify with Cash Reserves Retired applicants or those without W-2 income may qualify by submitting a bank or investment statement showing three years’ rent in reserves. Example: Rent: $2,000/month Annual Rent: $24,000 ($2,000 × 12 months) Required Cash Reserves: $72,000 Upload a bank statement showing at least $72,000 in available funds. Option 3: Qualify by Combining Income & Reserves If applicants do not meet the full requirement with one method, they may combine income and reserves. Example: Rent: $2,000/month Required Amount: $72,000 $50,000 in savings + $22,000 in social security income = Meets Requirement
Maternity LeaveThe time off for maternity leave will not affect income, however we will need to know how much time was required leave.
Newly divorced or applying without spouseProvide individual W-2s or pay stubs. Joint tax returns cannot be used if your spouse is not applying with you.
Promotion / Income IncreaseIf income has increased, submit: Current pay stub reflecting new income. Old pay stub from 12+ months ago as proof of continued employment.
RelocatingIf income has increased, submit: Current pay stub reflecting new income. Old pay stub from 12+ months ago as proof of continued employment.
Self Employed & Business OwnersSelf-employed applicants must submit a tax return showing net income. Net income is used to qualify. If retained earnings are not on a personal tax return, applicants must provide: Corporate tax returns. Statement of Information. Articles of Incorporation. Bylaws. This policy ensures applicants meet financial stability requirements for renting.
General RulesManager approval is required for all cats and dogs before occupancy. Residents must notify the Manager of any changes in pet ownership. Any pet-related damage must be repaired at the Resident’s expense, including flooring, doors, trim, window blinds, and cabinets.
Pet Care & Home MaintenanceDogs must be at least one year old. Dogs and cats must be house-trained. Residents must prevent odors, infestations, stains, and excessive wear. Carpets must be professionally cleaned annually. Air filters must be changed twice monthly; the Manager provides one filter, and the Resident must purchase the second. Dogs must be crated during maintenance visits. Puppy pads are not permitted as a standard pet waste solution. Cat litter boxes must be emptied daily. Cats and dogs must be spayed/neutered and vaccinated. Aquariums larger than 10 gallons are prohibited. Breeding of animals is not allowed. Excessive pet noise complaints may result in pet removal. Deceased pets must be disposed of properly; burial on property grounds is prohibited. Pets must be leashed outdoors unless in a fenced backyard. Pets cannot be tethered or left unattended outside, except in a fenced yard. Residents must clean and dispose of pet waste daily. Residents must not leave food or water outside as it may attract other animals.
Prohibited PetsProhibited Dog Breeds: Akita, American Bully, Pit Bull, American Staffordshire Terrier, Chow Chow, Doberman Pinscher, Dogo Argentino, English Bull Terrier, Fila Brasileiro, Japanese Tosa, Presa Canario, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or any mixed breed containing these breeds. Dangerous Animals: Poisonous species, exotic animals, farm animals, livestock, any pet with a bite history, or any pet declined by insurance. If any of the prohibited pets are found on the property: A $250 weekly Lease Violation Fee will be charged. A 14-day notice to vacate will be issued. An eviction will be filed on the 15th day.
Pet RentPet Rent Pet rent applies to all properties allowing dogs and cats. A $5 Billing Fee is added to each pet rent bill. Cats: $49 per month. Dogs: Rent is based on weight: 0-29 lbs: $29 30-39 lbs: $39 40-49 lbs: $49 50-59 lbs: $59 60-69 lbs: $69 70-79 lbs: $79 80-89 lbs: $89 90-99 lbs: $99 100-109 lbs: $109 Increases by $10 per additional 10 lbs, up to 250+ lbs ($259+). Pet rent does not apply to rodents, amphibians, reptiles, birds, or fish. If a pet is acquired mid-lease, pet rent will be added accordingly.
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